Monday, March 17, 2003


There has been a running joke and a little concern that Sophie (my niece, star of my first ever post and as old, to the day, as this web site) cries every time she sees me. She is a naturally inquisitive and knows no fear, which means she busies herself until she is tired, then continues to busy herself until she’s overtired and cries in frustration. I rarely see her when there are less than 10 people in the house so there’s usually far too much for her to be inquisitive about, which means she gets even more tired than usual, and cries more than usual. It just so happens she usually cries when she’s sitting on my lap.

It is for this reason, and the simple reason that we don’t do it enough, yesterday Kirsty, Dudley and Sophie came over for a relaxing un-pressured Sunday away from the crowds of family and friends which overload Sophie’s brain.

And what a great day it was. The house was basked in sunshine all day and as long as you turned Sophie upside-down every couple of minutes she was happy to play, she smiled and laughed and shouted all day, crying only when she when she crawled into the door. She hasn’t yet learnt to look up whilst she’s going to wherever it is she’s going.

She crawled, played with things that rattled, read her book “That’s Not My Lion”, smashed the living daylights out of her toy telephone, and beached herself on a toy which made loads of different noises. Every time she kicked and struggled to free herself she set off another noise, PARP, WHISTLE, MIAOW, BRRRRING, WOOF she sounded like an eight month old Three Stooges fan. She fell asleep on the settee, flat on her back, star shaped, woke up shouted a bit, stuck her tongue out, ate yoghurt and sucked on a banana. Then she pooed her nappy, got changed, did it again, got changed again, put her coat on got into her chair and went home.

She’s welcome anytime.


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